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How to compose a solid research paper – 5 tips to make it fast

Pick a topic you know something about.

When writing research paper, you want to make sure to choose a topic that you know a little bit about—especially if you need it fast. You want at least some of the writing to come easy—and the method I’m going to show you, you can use this writing to connect all the quotes you are going to put in your research paper. And any, any paper can be made more authoritative by the use of some research to support your major points.

As you print your research –

As you print your research, make sure to staple to the front of any articles, editorials, dissertation abstracts, or excerpts from books out completely. Make sure to staple—not just paper clip—the full citation information you will need to document this article in your works cited page. For articles, you will need both the title of the article and the author’s name, as well as the title of the journal the article came from. You will also need the volume number, issue number, date of publication and the pages the article spans in the journal – for example (224-226).

Make a research outline out of quotes

Make, what I call, a research outline out of all the quotes you want to use in your essay. Put them in order—for example, place quotes you want to use early in the essay high on the page and cut and paste and move around the other ones until it reads as an organized essay full of quotes and paraphrases. Take the time to create end citations for every one of these. Soon, you will have a whole paper full of research and all you will have to do is write the information that connects these quotes and create smooth transitions until it resembles a true research paper. If you still have questions or concerns about your paper, ask professional writing agency yo hrlp you out.

Then Retype the research paper

When you see the research outline on the paper, with each quote properly ordered and correctly cited in APA or MLA format – when you see all this work upon the page, you will be utterly thrilled with your accomplishment BEFORE you have actually written one word. That alone inspires me to go ahead and “connect the dots” so to speak and to write what I think about the topic to glue it all together.

While you retype, add what YOU want to say about the paper and take your time with that. Introduce your quotes smoothly with introductions such as “As Smith notes,” or As McGary suggests, “Global warming has a direct correlation with human behavior” (71, 2007) – or whatever citation method you are using.

The Final Revision

Now is break time. After you do the hard work of writing a solid first draft, what I recommend is that you do something (sleep works well) to bring a completely kind of blank perspective back to the paper, so that you can “see it with new eyes,” so to speak. That is truly when the magic happens.”

Tips & Guides

Do your research first—not later.

When gathering evidence for your thesis you want to use reputable sources. The best choice is always to go to the library for this, because library journal articles are regulated by strict editors who check all the facts in their writer’s work to make sure they have their story straight. This is why researchers prefer researched articles from journals that students find in the library. Plus, you will find a lot of good research very quickly.